The Days Off

May 26, 2009

just past 40th and Meridian

This past weekend was beautiful, and quite a few Seattlites will be sporting pink faces thanks to the time they spent at Folklife.  I was able to go Saturday and Sunday night, and I feel for a few bands (everyone should love The Bad Mitten Orchestre) but work kept me inside most of the time.  So on my day off, of course I’m ready to walk outside and sit in the sun… but Seattle has other plans.

DSCN2881Despite the grey sky I walked over to Fremont, bought some fresh coffee beans, and bused it back home to turn my room into a cafe.  I love the pictures my sister keeps posting from her new local coffee shop, and I’m trying to turn my space into a more workable place.  So I made myself some coffee, used some of the home-whipped cream left over from Nan’s birthday and the lovely mug that Jessi sent me for Christmas.  I cleaned up my room, opened the windows and let the little bit of sun and the cool breeze in.

I love Seattle.  I think I’m mentioned that before.

Dace and I plan on making sushi tonight, with chalk drawing and bubbles in between.  So this isn’t a very articulate entry, meditating on anything beyond sun and joy and the little bits of things that make me happy.  Like toast made with good bread, warm coffee to drink and music I’m beginning to release myself into.


2 Responses to “The Days Off”

  1. Ryan said

    Following the links everything is related…. i see now… nice picture of your coffee

  2. David Ohlsen said

    I remember loving the Fremont summer solstice festival when i ended a road trip in Seattle a few years back- a great, laid back, expressive place.

    And your posts are always very tonally articulate- your meditations make me happy, too. Thanks! they remind me that there is always time to notice and appreciate.

    and that coffee is ridiculously appealing.

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