Imagine this with more sun and the land and water solid bodies.

Imagine this with more sun and the land and water solid bodies.

While I know that it gets hot in other places, Seattle has been relatively mild.  Until now.  With heat in the mid to upper 90s I’m about ready to melt.  We’re keeping the windows closed througout the day and trying to keep the house cool, but there’s only so much to do.  I know it was hotter than this in California, and Jersey can get this toasty (and humid) as well, but for some reason it’s hard to keep in perspective.

Luckily, we have water here in the lovely city.  I went to Lake Washington with my housemate and his friends and we splashed around and lazed in the sun.  I don’t have any pictures of my own though, so the images are borrowed.  I think I’ll be crawling down to sleep in the basement tonight.  I just don’t function well in the heat; I’m trying to read Forrest Gander and feeling as though my brain is too small to take it in.

Weather like this reminds me of this past summer, working with my Mom at the Prop Shop.  We would have days of absolute grime and heat, moving the same couch three times over.  Luckily we worked with wonderful people, so it was bearable, but still exhausting.  I remember coming home from a day like that and almost without needing to talk deciding to stop in High Bridge, pick up gin and tonic water and making ourselves icy cold drinks with lots of lime.  I loved leaning against our kitchen chopping block, the sweating glass in my hand, relaxing with my mom.  My family means a lot to me, but I don’t tell them often enough; I just ramble about them to my friends.  I think it’s time I change that and become more active in my relationships.

First step: have my brother in town!  Mike comes in tomorrow, and I’m really excited about his visit.  I just hope the heat doesn’t take it out of me too badly.