spring April 25

April 25, 2009

spring April 25, originally uploaded by ducksRfriends.

Its a beautiful day outside. Sunny, warm, slightly breezy. And yet I sit inside staring out the window, trying to get work done…. Perhaps that is a bit of an exaggeration. Actually I’m listening to the people enjoying the day down on the street. Yelling that sounds like fights, but breaks into laughter. Older men grumbling. Young children cheeping, racketing down the street with skateboards, perhaps a bike or two. I feel like the street has a whole other life I don’t ever see, tucked away in my house. And yet here I stay, trying to concentrate on my work…..

Season for Baking

November 26, 2008

The holidays mean lots of kitchen time. Either spent above a stove or circled around a table with games and cards strewn about.  But that isn’t where I’ll be tomorrow. 

Tomorrow I brave the pre-holiday crowd at The Museum of Flight as the newest ticket sales girl (holy blue polo shirt batman), and what I really want to be doing is spending time baking for Thanksgiving.  My sister made an astounding number of sweet potato biscuits yesterday, and I want to join in the fun.  Instead, I’ll be stamping hands and handing over wrist bands.  It’s a job, but it isn’t grand.

The kids, though, make it a bit more fun. They love to have their hands stamped, though I might enjoy it more. They light up to have a smeared shuttle inked on the back of their tiny little hands, they clamour to identify the type of plane as I spin the wooden block looking desperately for some identifying information.  And from within the glass walls I can watch the day move over Washington. The sun breaks and the cloud cover, the slow decline of twilight as the trickle through the door slows down.  At points, you can see Mt. Rainer from the sky bridge, and it is beautiful.  Snow capped and more of a mountain than I’ve ever lived near.  Rather than work though, I’m looking forward to my run along the lake tomorrow morning. This body is getting back to being my body. I tell a friend “You’d barely recognize me now” and I know it isn’t true, but I feel different. Better. Getting back to me.  Riverside was amazing for my mind, but my body fell into disrepair. 

But this is about weather? It’s internal climate- body reaction to the external forces.  The sun in Riverside would beat against my body, but here the rain soothes, even in downpour. My body is in a better place. If only my mind could catch up.